The Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales, ONERA, and the Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft-und Raumfahrt, DLR, two leading European aerospace establishments, are pleased to announce the first of a new series of conferences : the ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium, ODAS, scheduled for the period June 21st to 24th in Paris, the week immediately following the Le Bourget Air Show.
The Symposium, to be held alternatively in France and Germany under the Aegis of Aerospace Science and Technology, AST, a scientific European journal edited jointly by ONERA and DLR, aims at presenting Industry, Government and Academia with the most promising scientific and technical results obtained in all key disciplines of aeronautics and space.
Details of the programme and a registration form may be found on the ONERA Web site.
We have the ambition to make ODAS the privileged European forum for the prominent actors in aerospace Research and Industry and look forward to meeting you in June in Paris
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