Comprehensive collections of aerospace and aerospace related textual information and data sets, including numeric, factual, graphic, computer programs, imagery, and parametric data associated with experimentation and measurements. Also includes connections to full text publications, as well as connections to image archives and museums and historical locations containing displays and historical artifacts.
AEROSPACE DATABASES- repositories of textual aerospace and aerospace related information
- AAIB (Air Accident Investigation Branch) Reports - These reports contain facts which have been determined up to the time of publication. This information is published to inform the aviation industry and the public of the general circumstances of accidents and serious incidents.
- Aerobib - School of Aeronautical Engineering (Español) - This is the link to the library of the Aeronautics School of Madrid. They give information on their services and provide access to their catalog in a HTML environment. It is very comprenhensive and updated on a regular basis. Available in English and French as well.
- Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea (Español) - AENA is the spanish body for airports and aerial navigation.
- Air University Press - Books, monographs, and papers on subjects related to U.S. Air Force doctrine, strategy, and policies; roles and missions of airpower; the employment of airpower at all levels of conflict; the nature of future warfare and peace; military reform; resource utilization; and personnel and training.
- Belgian Scientific and Technical Information Service (STIS) - The service is the official Belgian agent of the following organisations: EINS (European Information Network Services), STN International (Scientific and Technical Information Network), CAS Online (Chemical Abstracts Service Online) and DIMDI (Deutsches Institut fuer Medizinische Dokumentation und Information). The service also serves as the Belgian "National Aerospace Centre" (NAC). The service publishes an inventory of Belgian libraries and documentation centres (IBIDOC) which is available on line (
- BOLD (Belgian Online Libraries Directory) - The BOLD project was initiated by the Belnet User Forum Workgroup on Libraries and is carried out by the Université Libre de Bruxelles, the Universiteit Antwerpen and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. It is co-financed by the OSTC, the Belgian Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs. BOLD aims at creating an on line library directory using LDAP-technology.
- BUBL WWW Subject Tree - Stored search which provides value-added access to Internet resources, providing subject-based services and access to resources, including associated reference, help, current awareness and training services. This location will access aeronautical engineering, aircraft, aviation resources from the BUlletin Board for Libraries Service.
- BUBL WWW Subject Tree - Stored search which provides value-added access to Internet resources, providing subject-based services and access to resources, including associated reference, help, current awareness and training services. This location will access aeronautical engineering, aircraft, aviation resources from the BUlletin Board for Libraries Service.
- CRanfield University Internet Site Explorer (CRUISE) - These resources are compiled and maintained by the staff of the Cranfield University Library Service. Experienced information professionals evaluate sources and arrange them in a logical and consistent order to make retrieving information from the Internet more effective for staff and students at Cranfield.
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Español) - This is the page of the Spanish Center for Research. This is one of the biggest and more important places on research in all of Spain.
- Defence Standards (DStan) - D Stan, the Ministry of Defence(MoD) focal point for Standardization, is a professional multi-disciplinary organisation with a mission to identify and build on technical innovation, to promote the advantage of standardization and to enable the provision of a high quality standards service to the MoD and industry alike. The aim of the Directorate is to provide a Standardization service to customers within the MoD and the UK Defence Industry. This includes developing, promulgating and promoting the implementation of MoD standardization policy and ensuring the availability of necessary standards for use in Defence Procurement; additionally to identify and represent the MoD's standardization policy interests in national and international civil and military fora. The site provides online access to Defence Standards through the Index of Defence Standards Series. This seems to be under construction as the index is complete, and some, but not all of the standards are yet available in full-text. Those that are there are in pdf format. Other useful information on the site includes text of draft standards for comment, the Directorate brochure, and links to other standard sources.
- Documentacion cientifica (Español) - The INTA library page. It contains information about the services and activities of the library and on the participation in projects. There is a connection to our catalog (via telnet) as well.
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - WWW Virtual Library - A listing of sites that provide online research services.
- ESA Publications - Publications available from the European Space Agency.
- Federal Aviation Administration
- Free University of Amsterdam Library - Library services of the Free University of Amsterdam.
- GMV - One of the more active Spanish companies in aerospace. They have been appointed to some of the major ESA projects.
- Iberia - The homepage for the Spanish Airlines.
- INDRA - A group of different companies related with the communications, electronics and aerospace, industries.
- IEE Library - The Institution of Electrical Engineers Library covers all aspects of electrical engineering, electronics, manufacturing, computing and communications, control and related subjects such as physics, management and historical aspects.
- Institito Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (Español) - This is the INTA homepage. It includes general information on the company, as well as information on projects, budget, personnel, and internal organizations.
- IEE Library Catalogue: Simple Word Search - Searchable catalogue of items held in the Library of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.
- International Society for Optical Engineering - SPIE Proceedings Series of publications.
- Leiden Observatory - Preprint library at the University of Leiden.
- NASA Scientfic and Technical Information Server - Access to over 3 million aerospace and related citations.
- NASA Selected Current Aerospace Notices (SCAN) - A current awareness publication which includes recently issued report and journal literature pertaining to aeronautics and aerospace research.
- NASA Technical Reports Server - Access to scientific and technical reports maintained by various NASA centers and programs.
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Links to all NASA Centers throughout the US and to several Space Agencies in other counties including Brazil, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, and the European Space Agency.
- National Air and Space Museum - An extensive listing of online resources relating to air and space.
- NOAA Environmental Information Services - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data products including meteorolgy/weather data, oceanography data and satellite imagery and products.
- NOAA Network Information Center - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration collection in support of atmospheric sciences, marine biology, meteorology, oceanography and related disciplines.
- Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales (ONERA) - The ONERA home page includes general information on the French Aerospace Research Establishment and gives access to its database of publications on aerospace sciences and technologies (Fluid Mechanics and Energetics, Materials and Structures, Physics, Information Technology and Systems).
- ONERA Publications - Office National d'Eetudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales publications.
- Pointers to Portuguese Servers - "SAPO-Servidor de Apontadores Portugueses": a locator system for Portuguese URLs with references to Portuguese Universities, Research Centers , etc. (in Portuguese).
- RAND Publications - Publications in the major disciplines in the physical, social, and biological sciences, with emphasis on their applications to problems of policy and planning in domestic and foreign affairs.
- RAeS AirSpace NEWS (Home Page) - The site features a regularly updated summary of all the key aerospace news as well as comprehensive coverage of the Society and its many activities.
- Sociedad Estatal para las Enseñanzas Aeronáuticas (Español) - SENASA, a public company, was created in 1991 for the purpose of developing and expanding the activities entrusted to the different schools of the Spanish Civil Aviation Authority at that time. Available in English as well.
- University of Amsterdam - Astonomical Institute of the University of Amsterdam.
- University of Groningen - Department of Astronomy.
- Utrecht University - Library of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Utrecht.
- YAHOO, Science: Aeronautics and Aerospace - Stored search similar to the BUBL. This location provides aviation and aeronautics Internet resources from Yahoo.
- repositories of numeric, factual, graphic, computer programs, imagery, and parametric data associated with experimentation and measurements
- Astrophysics Data Facility - The Astrophysics Data Facility is responsible for designing, developing, and operating data systems that support the processing, management, archiving and distribution of NASA mission data. The ADF serves three broadly-defined astrophysics disciplines: high-energy astrophysics, UV/optical astrophysics, and infrared/submillimeter/radio astrophysics. The ADF, part of the Space Science Data Operations Office (SSDOO), collaborates with the GSFC Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics(LHEA) and the Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics (LASP) in managing data for specific missions. The ADF staff also support the astrophysics community's access to multi-mission and multi-spectral data archives in the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC).
- The British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) - The BADC is the Natural Environment Research Council's Designated Data Centre for the Atmospheric Sciences. The role of the BADC is to assist UK atmospheric researchers to locate, access and interpret atmospheric data and to ensure the long-term integrity of atmospheric data produced by NERC projects. The data held at the BADC are of two types: datasets produced by NERC-funded projects; and third party datasets.
- Climate Diagnostics Center - Summary of data available within the CDC.
- Dynamics Explorer - The Dynamics Explorer (DE) mission's general objective was to investigate the strong interactive processes coupling the hot, tenuous, convecting plasmas of the magnetosphere and the cooler, denser plasmas and gases corotating in the earth's ionosphere, upper atmosphere, and plasmasphere. Two satellites, DE 1 and DE 2, were launched together and were placed in polar coplanar orbits, permitting simultaneous measurements at high and low altitudes in the same field-line region.
- Listing of Goddard DAAC Datasets - Data on ocean color, field experiments, land biosphere, interdisciplinary, atmospheric dynamics, atmospheric chemistry, historical satellite data including ozone profiles, thermal emission, space lab 3, solar mesospheric explorer, limb infrared monitor of the stratosphere, and sun and earth radiance SBUV continuous scans.
- Solar and Thermal Atmospheric Radiation - The Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory (CMDL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in Boulder, Colorado, conducts research related to atmospheric constituents that are capable of forcing change in the climate of the earth through modification of the atmospheric radiative environment, for example greenhouse gases and aerosols, and those that may cause depletion of the global ozone layer. STAR is a subdivision of the CMDL Aerosol & Radiation group. STAR's activities include observational and theoretical research on the earth's surface radiation budget. The group is also involved in remote sensing of various atmospheric constituents from the earth's surface.
- Space Physics Data Facility - The mission of the SPDF is to enhance the scientific return from NASA programs in the space physics sciences. It has its primary intent to lead in the definition, development, operation and promotion of collaborative efforts in the collection and utilization of space physics data and models. The SPDF will respond to the research needs of the space physics community. The general mission of the SPDF is to enhance the scientific return from NASA programs in the space physics sciences. To accomplish this mission we have developed or are aiding in the organization or development of data systems to help scientists access data. SPDF, in close cooperation with the NSSDC, thus supports a range of activities in the area of data standards to support the ISTP and IACG data programs.
- Station Meteorology Data - Data on aerosols and radiation, carbon cycle, nitrous oxide and halocompounds, ozone and water vapor, observatory operations.
- textual, numeric, and factual aerospace and aerospace-related databases produced by commercial vendors.
- The Aerospace Database - a bibliographic source of aerospace related information for over 20 years. Originally produced under AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - it has now been transferred to CSA - Cambridge Scientific Abstracts.
- Janes Home Page
- photos and images of aircraft, spacecraft, space travel.
- Aircraft Images - An image archive in Holland with lots of jpeg aircraft images. This collection is (mostly) military aircraft images.
- Aviation-Landings - Go to Aviation-Images for an extensive listing of sites that provide archives of images.
- CAVFA - Centro de Audio Visuais da Força Aérea Alfragide
- Galeria Fotográfica da Força Aérea Portuguesa
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - WWW Virtual Library - An extensive listing of sites that provide image archives.
- Image Archives
- NASA Multimedia Gallery - A site that brings together all NASA still images to one location.
- NASA Gallery - An archive that contains digitized images, movies, and audio of many of the unique research aircraft flown at what is now known as NASA Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards, California from the 1940s to the present.
- Swedish University Network SUNET Aircraft Archives - Aviation related gif and jpeg images
- journal literature, full text documents, newsletters, etc., relating to aerospace and aerospace-related subjects.
- Aeronet Aviation - UK-based commercial server providing information to the commercial aviation industry.
- Air&Space Magazine - Magazine dedicated to aerospace information.
- Aerospace Power Journal - The Aerospace Power Journal, published quarterly, is the professional flagship publication of the United States Air Force. Formerly Air Chronicles.
- Air Letter
- ASA News Quarterly Summary - Quarterly Summary published by the Aerospace States Association.
- Avion Newspaper Online - Weekly aviation/aerospace newspaper from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
- Belgique Spatiale - Articles on Belgian space news (in French).
- Defense News Online - Requires free registration.
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - WWW Virtual Library - An extensive listing of publications and journals.
- FAA Aviation News - A U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Aviation Administration Flight Standards Safety Pulbication.
- Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories - At the California Institute of Technology.
- Les Actualites de Space News - Articles on space news (in French).
- Revista Mais Alto - Alfragide - This magazine publishes information in the aerospace domain - developments, concepts and practical applications, in the national and international context of the Portuguese Air Force.
- museums and historical locations containing aerospace or aerospace-related displays and historical artifacts.
- Aviation-Landings - Go to Museums/History for an extensive listing of sites that provide information on museums and other historical data.
- Aviation Museums/History
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - WWW Virtual Library - An extensive listing of museum sites.
- Museu do Ar - The purpose of the Museum of the Air - Museu do Ar - is to preserve the history of the Portuguese military and civil aviation, through conservation, acquisition and trade of objects of historical, artistic and documentary value with the aim of documenting and publicising the History of Aviation in Portugal.
- locations of libraries and other facilities with collections of aerospace information, not necessarily available on-line.
- The WWW Virtual Library: Aviation
- AERADE - AERADE is a new collection of Internet resources in the fields of Aerospace and Defence. All the sites included in AERADE are selected, evaluated, monitored and updated by subject specialists from Cranfield University. It is fully searchable, and the resources are also logically listed according to topic area. Please note that AERADE replaces the Aerospace section in CRUISE: Cranfield University Internet Site Explorer, which is listed above.
- AeroInfo: A WWW Virtual Library for Aerospace Science and Technology - Information sources for Aerospace, Aeronautics, Aviation, Aerodynamics,CFD, Avionics, Composites, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Materials Science, Computer Science, Chemistry, Surface Engineering; Documents types like Technical Reports, Patents, Standards, AIAA Papers, Regulatory Information, Journals; Source Types like WWW Virtual Libraries, Associations and Organisations, Corporations, FTP Sources, News Groups, etc.
- Air Force Units (Portugal)
Arquivo Histórico da Força Aérea Alfragide (AHFA)Centro de Audio Visuais da Força Aérea Alfragide (CAVFA)
Centro de Documentação e Informação da Força Aérea-Alfragide (CDIFA)
Comissão Histórico-Cultural da Força Aérea Alfragide (CHCFA)
- an electronic bibliography of aerospace studies and future projections.
- Aerospace in the 21st Century - Bibliography of studies and future projections of new and advanced developments, research, and technologies expected in aerospace in the next 20-50 years.
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